Sure if you want to be raped. If you're trying to fix your credit, start with a secured credit card. You know, one that requires 75 to a hundred dollars per year to have and has bad intrest, but don't use if for more than 50 dollars at a time and never make a late payment. After a year or two, ditch it for a better card with no yearly fee. This is a leg up to a better credit score.
Is there a bank that will give personal loans to people with bad credit?
Banks base loans on credit score and history. If the credit score and history is bad, then it is very unlikely a personal loan or any other loan for that matter will be approved.
Is there a bank that will give personal loans to people with bad credit?
Personal lines of credit are given only to those with outstanding FICO's, ususally 720 and above. Define bad credit. To some, 660 is shameful whereas others would collapse at the audacity of reaching such peaks. Almost all FICO driven loan programs have clear, mathmatical criterias for approvals, interest rates, and limits. 98% sure you won't qualify for anything if you describe yourself as having bad credit. Wells Fargo has an %26quot;affiliate%26quot;, who's name slips my mind at the moment, which are more linenent, but charge incredible rates. It may appear criminal at first, but where else could you perform the almighty %26quot;loan paid in full%26quot;. Playing with real property produces the best results. How much and for what is this money needed?
Is there a bank that will give personal loans to people with bad credit?
Go here Guaranteed Personal Loans - Unsecured Loans
50,000 satisfied clients a year can't be wrong!
Bad Credit OK
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