Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fake bank account?

surprisingly,someone with 100% evidence reported the use of fake documents with fake name in opening a bank account in london to the police and the bank,but the 'illegal' is still enjoying the full services of the bank and is waiting for a fat loan before saying good bye!

What are the authorities supposed to do after such a vital information,or what is the right procedure to report?

Fake bank account?

You know Im glad you asked that.

Fake bank account?

It doesn't supprise me one bit. I'm sure if you reported something UNpolitical correct, the police would be out in force!

Fake bank account?

that is so wrong.

maybe they are investigating the claim, and you just can't see that they are working on the issue.

when i had fraud on my account it took ages before it was resolved.. if they had fake documents, do you know what there status here is? you could try contacting immigration

Fake bank account?

Fake question more like. Something about this doesn't ring true. If you were serious, and had hard evidence, the police and the bank would listen, and if they did not, your MP certainly would.

On the other hand, if as I suspect, this is a malicious complaint, they would tell you to bog off.

Fake bank account?

*i would get the backing of my mp and ask all the relevant questions.this is not right and should be address as soon as possible.

Fake bank account?

tell the papers go public as on TV the papers .. go on line make persons name know shout and scream just keep saying hows the investigation going make nuisance other than that ..sorry your conscience is clear you done the right thing well done you

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