Large numbers of people are using this method and then filling for protection from creditors .
These may as well be bank robbers who max out credit lines and then do not pay it back .
Hopw do we stop bank robbers who use loan applications and lines of credit to rob the bank .?
You know how the government is, reactive and not proactive.
They will wait until the economy is on the brink because of subprime loans before enforcing regulations to prevent it.
After all, a pound of cure is worth an ounce of prevention.
Hopw do we stop bank robbers who use loan applications and lines of credit to rob the bank .?
We did stop it - with the new bankrupcty reforms that were opposed by most Democrats.
Hopw do we stop bank robbers who use loan applications and lines of credit to rob the bank .?
Same way we stop people for robbing pension funds and employee retirement plans. Ohh I'm sorry I forgot we don't do that.
Hopw do we stop bank robbers who use loan applications and lines of credit to rob the bank .?
Please see the USA national many trillion?
It starts at the top. Thank you George W.
Hopw do we stop bank robbers who use loan applications and lines of credit to rob the bank .?
By returning common sense to our legal system and returning our government to having citizens in office instead of professional politicians and lawyers.
It is called term limits.
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